Friday, February 08, 2008

Wise Fwom Yo Gwave

Okay, we've been sleeping for a while. Rip Van Foam Finger, or something like that. However, something needed to be said after one of the most satisfying results for Haters worldwide.

Is there really anything more satisfying than seeing the underdog pull it off? Than seeing Papa Bouba Diop freak after scoring against France for Senegal? Than seeing Doug Flutie jump around like a 4-year-old who actually got the basketball through the hoop? Okay, maybe not the last one because that was a Baaaaaaahston Sports Moment and if nothing else, this year has taught us that there's nothing quite as aggravating as a smug and condescending Boston sports fan, chortling at their World Series win, their best record in the NBA, their perfect Patri...




Oh, I can hardly describe the feeling, the glee, of seeing Perfect Tom Brady, Perfect Bill Belichick and the Perfect Patriots taste the sour sour grapes of losing to the Goofy Manning* and the New York Giants, who were probably the fourth-, maybe third-best team in the NFC. Way to go, Greatest Team in the History of the World Ever. Thanks for making my week, my month, my year. Let the Haterade flow.

* - That's fucking hard to do people, if you're immediately identifiable as the goofiest member of *that* family.

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